I can not edit some text files 9-20 megabytes to replace two words in each file, the source is a text file and the same destination but with different name, because with the same name have been unable . My idea is to remove the original and stay with the new performing edition but that if he does , let me file this way:
SALES_ORDERS_FULL_20140223_150051_006.xml ( ORIGINAL )
should leave it with me so : SALES_ORDERS_FULL_20140223_150051_006.xml _OLD (AMENDED )
but strangely leaves me so :
MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER_KCC-BI_REPO_KHSA_XI_REPO_KHSA_XI_1543_5434_2_3_Long_INVOICES_INCREMENTAL_20140225_034004_001_xml_dat.txt (not deseased)
The type of data you use is long since varchar not allow me because it cuts my data file , use varchar (50000000) but takes the information and short .
I am using long data type , modify the file and I pass the name of the text files of sap bods for global variables. They are a series of files that are called by a while loop
Thanks for your answers