I am trying to login into local repository configured newly after the data services installation. Once I entered the system and user details, I can see the list of repositories. But when I try to login to the repository it gives TNS time out error.
Error Message: ORA-12170: TNS: Connect timeout occurred.
I am thinking the oracle database is not accessible from my machine and hence I am getting the error
But I have doubt on it. Here, CMS and local repository schemas are on the same oracle database. Since I can access designer with my user id and also see the list of repositories, CMS repository is accessible from my machine (hoping authentication details and local repository details are stored in CMS repository). In that case, I should be able to access local repository schema as well. Please let me know if my understanding is wrong.
Data services version 4.2 is installed on Linux and teammate in different location can access the same local repository without any issue. Also, CMC and management console are also accessible without any issues.
Can anyone let me know the reason for this issue and resolution.
Thanks and Regards,