I am calling an ECC functionin BODS,
which is RFC enabled. It does not take any input parameters but will reurn a TEXT as output.
I have used row_gerenation --> query1 to call RFC function. This doesn't need to be unnest.
I have the query1 --> query2 in which the Output is connected to the target.
The validation error I am getting is - "
NRDM Function <Syntax error at line <1>: <>: near <)> found <')'> expecting <'(', &ERROR, __AL_LOOKUPEX_TRAN, __AL_SEARCH_REPLACE_TRAN, __RFC_FUNCTION, __AL_SCRIPT_FUNCTION, __AL_STORED_PROCEDURE, __AL_EXTRACT_FROM_XML, __AL_TRAN_FUNCTION, +, AL_UNSPECIFIED_PARAM, CONVERT, a float, identifier, an integer, a null, a quoted identifier, ;, a string, a decimal, VARCHAR, VARIABLE, -, +>.
1 error(s), 0 warning(s).
Check and fix the syntax and retry the operation. (BODI-1112394)> (BODI-1111191)
I found that thisshas been partially discussed on another thread
but my function does not have input parameters. And that thread does not answer this scenario.
So... Is it required for RFC function being called in BODS needs to have input parameters?
BTW, This simple RFC funcion has been tested on ECC side for syntax and execution.
Can someone shed some light on this issue, please?
Many thnaks
-- shalaka