I am running a distributed EIM Adaptive Processing Server as part of a BI 4.0 SP04 installation. Every minute I am seeing the following error message logged 4 times in the /sap_bobj/logging/aps_sapbopp2.EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer_trace.000001.glf file. Can anyone give a clue on what the error might be?
Everything appears top be working correctly but the errors keep getting logged. For what reason is a mystery.
|43F457CE1D8645E88560CC4B65F65DB514e|2012 12 04 07:53:14.622|-0700|Error|Error|>>|E| |aps_sapbopp2.EIMAdaptiveProcessingServer|13208| 555|ORBacus:ThreadPerRequest:Dispatcher| |138|0|2|0|BIPSDK.InfoStore:query|srplbo02.srp.gov:7839:108.630080:1|
Thanks in advance.