Hi colleagues,
we are trying to schedule BODS via Control-M, but without success, do you have any experience/hint/info to share here??
2 approaches have been followed:
· A) Exporting the scheduling parameters as Windows Batch File; this doesn’t seem to work because Control-M will be able to schedule the batch file however if the batch file is executed Control-M will report back the status for the batch file and will not monitor the rest of the BODS flow.
· B) Executing the job through Webservice. Control-M BPI suite needs to be installed on the server, this has been done and I am able to call the Webservice, however I am not able to call any of the parameters for the webservice. By using SOAPUI I am able to execute the webservice and run the job; however I am still running into the same issue as with the batch file, that the status can’t be monitored unless that there is a new webservice call made with the PID to retrieve the status for the job.
· - How does Control-M communicate with BODS? Is it through webservices, batch file or is there a separate agent that can be installed?
· - How does the monitoring and job log retrieval take place? Will a second call (job) be necessary to do this?
M Thanks a lot