I was trying the Data service workbench, to extract the data from the SQL server. Created a two data store connectivity for the source and the target by giving the respective credentials. I have established the connectivity successfully for both the source and the target. Created a replication job and tried to validate the job since I have to move the data to the respective target. Validation was successful and while executing the job it throws an error. All the metadata comprising to the particular data store have been moved in the Data services(such as 2 datastores created in the DataService tool automatically and the respective workflows and the dataflows are generated automatically) but the data was not populated in to the respective target. Do I need to re execute the jobs again in the Data service tool also to trigger the data to the respective target
1. The authentication used here was the SQL server Authentication
2. I just extracted three tables from the source and tried to place it in the target. Error attached below -