my requirement: i need to move the files from folder 1 to folder 2 and then delete the content from folder 1.
$GV_ARCHIVE_FILEPATH = '\[$$File_Share]'|| '\Archive\auto archive.bat';
print( exec('cmd.exe', '[$GV_ARCHIVE_FILEPATH]', 8 ));
print( 'INFO: Files moved to Archive and removed from output folder');
the content of auto archive. bat file are
@ echo off
xcopy "\\Wave 2\Output" "\\Wave 2\Archive" /e /y
del "\\\Wave 2\Output" /Q
this is not doing anything at all.
output of exec command 1: \Wave 2\Archive' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
please suggest, what i need to do
thanks and regards