I will apologise now for the newbie content in this series of questions. Please also forgive any terminology I have wrong - I am trying to get to grips with this and am completely new to it. We are trying to set up a datastore for an online product we use for resource management which provides a REST api, but no WADL file: Developer API - Overview I'm therefore having to create my own WADL file from scratch (trying to use SOAPUI as a leg-up).
I'm really struggling with two things:
1. The BODS documentation reference an output an input schema that should be defined in the grammars section of the WADL file. I'm not 100% sure what either of these is or how to define them. I'm guessing that the output should be an xsd for results returned in xml format. but not sure what the input schema is?
2. I've created a datastore using a basic WADL file minus the grammars elements, and can see a function and import it successfully in BODS. What do I do with this function now? How do I get the data into a dataflow?
I have trawled the documentation, google, etc. and cannot find an idiots step-by-step guide anywhere so any help you can give would be very much appreciated.