We are running an upgrade from Data Services 4.1 with mixed landscape ( BO + DS ) to Data Services 4.2 with separate landcape ( BO // IPS + DS )
We successfully followed the upgrade guide until the section 4.4 : Migrate Data Services Repositories.
During this step we realised that there was only 1 job server registred on Server Manager.
We managed to identify the cause of this : The initial configuration.
Before upgrading we were using 2 types of job server : 1 job server located on the server (source server BO + DS ), and another job server located on the future server ( future upgraded server IPS + DS ).
When preparing the upgrade we unfortunatly suppressed the job server from server manager and the server manager during the preparation of the upgrade.
So now when trying to recreate the job server configuration from server manager on the new server ( IPS + DS ) we can't manage to reproduce the initial configuration : i receive the following error : ."The repository named 'DATABASEHOST\SCHEMA_REPONAME_USERi' already exist ( BODI-310079 ).
I can't find any way to reproduce the initial configuration and recover the job server.
Actually :
i can see all the repository in management console
i can't associate the repository where the job server was suppresed
I have a lot of schedules runing so i don't see any way to change the job server infos in repository tables if i have to recreate all the schedules.
How can i recover the suppresed job server informations ? or remove the informations prohibing me from associating repository to the job service inside the new server manager ?
Thanks for your help