Hello BOBJ experts,
I am new to BOBJ, so need your help on below issue:
Under SAP DATA SERVICES, developer team had designed few jobs that runs daily
We had some intermittent issues wit the scheudle.. Few jobs wont run as per scheudled time.
Once they try to re-run it, they run without issues - So, no issues with the job nor the job schedule.
Again at the same time, few other jobs run as per schedule and as i said the issue is intermittent and random
Below are the version details:
<Hostname> $ pwd
<Hostname> $ more version.txt
4.1 Support Pack 1
<Hostname> $ pwd
<Hostname> $ strings boe_cmsd | grep -i bobjversion
@(#)BOBJVERSION: boe_cmsd release 13/10/30 linux_x64 vcvmlnx215
Please help me out what should i check and wjhich logs should i refer on this issue