Hello Everyone,
I am frequently facing the below issue in BODS production system. Can anyone help me to sort out this issue, please?.
Data flow <XXXX> received a bad system message. Message text from the child process is
<8ミᆲᄌ ==========================================================
Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
the job failed.
5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.
==========================================================>. The process executing data flow <XXXXXX> has died
abnormally. For NT, check errorlog.txt. For HPUX, check stack_trace.txt. Also, notify Technical Support.
FYI -This dataflow contains 5 source tables (Source: SAP HANA) connecting with Embeded dataflows each source table seperately and then loading into HANA Target tables (5) accordingly.
Frequesncy of this job execution in production system is 'Every 15 mins'
Appreciate if anyone can advise me to sort it out this issue!!!
For more details, Please see the attached snap shot of the issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Sudheer Reddy