Hi all,
I'm trying to use a data_trasfer transformation on my dataflow in order to improve performances.
The scenario is DS 4.2 SP5 on Windows, SAP HANA SPS9, ODBC
I chose Table as Trasfer type and HMI.owner.TM_EXT_DF_DFS as table name.
When I run the job it fails with the following error message
"Sql submitted to ODBC data source <odbc DSN name> resulted in error <[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB][HDBODBC] General error;362 invalid schema name HMI: line 1 of 21 (at pos 20)>. The SQL submitted is <CREATE COLUMN TABLE "HMI"."DT__104_126_1_1_"......
It seems like it is using the datastore name instead of the owner name in place of the schema name and also it is not using the table name I specified in the transformation.
I use the same datastore in many dataflow for target templates and tables without any issues, but it is the first time I try to use the data_transfer transformation on this environment.
My other customers installations are on previous SP of DS and up to SPS8 of HANA and I've no issues with data_trasfert.
I noticed that on the SAP HANA datastore configuration pop-up, there is no check box for "Enable automatic data transfer"
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance