Hi All,
We are upgrading bods from 4.0 to bods 4.2. we have seperate server for both bods 4.0 and bods 4.2.
But we are trying to access bods server 4.2 from same client machine that we were installed for bods client 4.0.
My question are:
1. is it possible to access bods 4.2 server by using bods 4.0 client system setup.
2. Can we insatall bods 4.2 on same client machine that we were used to installed bods 4.0 without uninstalling bods 4.0 ?
is there any effect of install both client on same system ?
or any ways to installed both on same system ?
we have both 4.0 and 4.2 platform. so we want to kept both bods 4.0 and bods 4.2 client.
Please help me above topic. Thanks in advance...!!
Thanks & Regards,
Mahesh Kokate