I have to schedule a job at 9am and it could run based on file event.That means, My bods job has to check wether file has arrived or not within 10 minutes like this it has to check 6 times every 10minutes if doesn't arrive then it has send an email,if its arrive it should run.
Iam completely novice to bods and it would be great if any one share complete logic detailly. However, I have found script on other post
which test file is arrived or not for ten minuts, but as per my requirement it has to verify 6 times for every ten minutes. please show your insight on it.
Wait for a file
$FileName= 'C:\\DIR\\FlatFile_' || to_char( sysdate( ), 'YYYYMMDD' ) || '.csv';
print ( $FileName );
While ( file_exists ( $FileName ) = 0 )
print( 'Waiting for File' );
print ( 'File Received Successfully' );
print ( 'File Processing Started' );