The problem of data loading from the model to model in BPC NW.
Use Data services 4.1 (FIM). Logs after execute job:
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (E) (4660:2164) SYS-050604: |Session PR_MMR_1|Data flow DF_EXPORT_PR_MMR_1
Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (E) (4660:2164) RUN-050409: |Session PR_MMR_1
The job process could not communicate with the data flow <DF_EXPORT_PR_MMR_1> process. For details, see previously logged error
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (E) (4660:2164) RUN-050316: |Session PR_MMR_1
Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (E) (4660:2164) RUN-050304: |Session PR_MMR_1
Function call <raise_exception ( Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >. ) > failed, due to error
<50316>: <Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >.>.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (E) (4660:2164) RUN-050316: |Session PR_MMR_1
Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >.
Trace log
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:50 (4660:2164) JOB: Reading job <eb50e3eb_86e5_4b30_8f43_4dac6e3d7a21> from the repository; Server version is <>; Repository version is
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:50 (4660:2164) JOB: Current directory of job <eb50e3eb_86e5_4b30_8f43_4dac6e3d7a21> is <C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Data
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:51 (4660:2164) JOB: Starting job on job server host <SAP-APP10>, port <3500>.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:51 (4660:2164) JOB: Job <PR_MMR_1> of runid <2013033117495146602164> is initiated by user <fcadmin>.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:51 (4660:2164) JOB: Processing job <PR_MMR_1>.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:53 (4660:2164) JOB: Optimizing job <PR_MMR_1>.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:53 (4660:2164) JOB: Job <PR_MMR_1> is started.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:54 (8324:9176) DATAFLOW: Process to execute data flow <DF_EXPORT_PR_MMR_1> is started.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:55 (8324:9176) DATAFLOW: The specified locale <rus_ru.cp1251> has been coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)> for data flow <DF_EXPORT_PR_MMR_1> because the
datastore <PR_MMR_1_DS> obtains data in <UTF-8> codepage.
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:55 (8324:9176) JOB: Initializing transcoder for datastore <PR_MMR_1_BPC_EXPORT_DS> to transcode between engine codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and
datastore codepage <<DEFAULT>>
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:55 (8324:9176) JOB: Initializing transcoder for datastore <PR_MMR_1_DS> to transcode between engine codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and datastore
codepage <UTF-8>
(14.1) 03-31-13 17:49:57 (4660:2164) JOB: Job <PR_MMR_1> is terminated due to error <50316>.
Do not offer offloading via DM, it is necessary to use DS or FIM.
Thanks to all!