OK, yesterday I did not receive this error when running this Job and all my other projects run fine and access the same Data Sources.
So why then am I receiving this error. I have checked the Data Sources for this job and all seem fine. I have rebooted my PC.
Sometimes when I run this Job trying to figure out the error it will give me an additional message that it cannot communicate with the data flow. (see second message)
5892 5336 RUN-305004 1/25/2012 10:22:26 AM |Session P2CFI03_JOB_1_VENDOR
5336 5336 RUN-305004 1/25/2012 10:22:26 AM Internal warning: Decryption failed with error <Invalid message digest for data.>.
5892 5336 CON-120302 1/25/2012 10:22:26 AM |Session P2CFI03_JOB_1_VENDOR
5336 5336 CON-120302 1/25/2012 10:22:26 AM ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> for data source <mintoerpdw> failed: <[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed
5892 5336 CON-120302 1/25/2012 10:22:26 AM for user 'erp_migration'.>. Notify Customer Support.
2592 3260 RUN-050406 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM |Session P2CFI03_JOB_1_VENDOR|Data flow New_DataFlow55
2592 3260 RUN-050406 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM Data flow <New_DataFlow55> received a bad system message. Message text from the child process is < >. The process executing
2592 3260 RUN-050406 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM data flow <New_DataFlow55> has died abnormally. For NT, check errorlog.txt. For HPUX, check stack_trace.txt. Also, notify
2592 3260 RUN-050406 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM Technical Support.
2592 3260 RUN-050409 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM |Session P2CFI03_JOB_1_VENDOR
2592 3260 RUN-050409 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM The job process could not communicate with the data flow <New_DataFlow55> process. For details, see previously logged error
2592 3260 RUN-050409 1/25/2012 9:54:43 AM <50406>.