I have MS SQL as datastore.
I am not able to use it as either Target (with ECC as source) or as source (for HANA as target). I can preview data in DS Designer so I guess it is some issue with Jobserver. I have read 2 opinion on this issue, the first one speaks about using ODBC as type but another one mentions some setting. I guess I will try ODBC as type but if you know of a setting which can take care of the issue, appreciate if you can share it.
The error I have is.
14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (E) (52013:3645134592) REP-100102: |Data flow New_DataFlow5
Unsupported database type <Microsoft_SQL_Server> specified as repository. Valid types are <Oracle, ODBC, MySQL, Sybase, Memory,
MaxDB, HANA, DB2>. Ensure database type matches in spelling and case to the supported types.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (E) (52009:3013994240) REP-100102: |Data flow New_DataFlow5
Unsupported database type <Microsoft_SQL_Server> specified as repository. Valid types are <Oracle, ODBC, MySQL, Sybase, Memory,
MaxDB, HANA, DB2>. Ensure database type matches in spelling and case to the supported types.
Monitor Entries are as below
14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:32 (52009:3013994240) JOB: The initial environment locale <eng_us.utf-8> has been coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)> ().
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Reading job <876188c9_7c92_4369_a10e_082aaa5fe63a> from the repository; Server version is <>; Repository version is
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Current directory of job <876188c9_7c92_4369_a10e_082aaa5fe63a> is </build/boe/dataservices/bin>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Starting job on job server host <hanasvr-08>, port <3500>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Job <New_Job5> of runid <20120404080433520093013994240> is initiated by user <boeuser>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Processing job <New_Job5>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Optimizing job <New_Job5>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:33 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Job <New_Job5> is started.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:34 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Process to execute data flow <New_DataFlow5> is started.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:34 (52013:3645134592) JOB: Initializing transcoder for datastore <GTLECC> to transcode between engine codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and datastore codepage
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:34 (52013:3645134592) JOB: Initializing transcoder for datastore <GLPNOP> to transcode between engine codepage<Unicode (UTF-16)> and datastore codepage
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:48 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Data flow <New_DataFlow5> is started.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Cache statistics determined that data flow <New_DataFlow5> uses <0> caches with a total size of <0> bytes, which is less than
(or equal to) the virtual memory <3757047808> bytes available for caches. Data flow will use IN MEMORY cache type.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Data flow <New_DataFlow5> using IN MEMORY Cache.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Data flow <New_DataFlow5> is terminated due to error <100102>.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (52013:3645134592) DATAFLOW: Process to execute data flow <New_DataFlow5> is completed.
(14.1) 04-04-12 08:04:49 (52009:3013994240) JOB: Job <New_Job5> is terminated due to error <100102>.