Hi All,
Data Services: DS4.0 with Sp3.0
Source Syste,: Oracle 11g
Target system:MSQL 2008
This is first job am running in the Dataservices, like created 2 datastores: 1. oracle 10g(Source system), anothe is the 2.SQL server(Target)
just mapped the One soruce system (ORACLE) to Target system(MSQL 2008) , connection fine ,
but while running th ejob its gidng the below, please help me to fix this one.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:56 PM Reading job <902a2106_4ae4_4c69_a532_f
f70d2c6ab27> from the repository; Server version is <>; Repository version is
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:56 PM <>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:56 PM Current directory of job <902a2106_4ae4_4c69_a532_ff70d2c6ab27> is <D:\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\bin>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:58 PM Starting job on job server host <TIS-DEV>, port <3500>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:58 PM Job <BILLSO> of runid <2012081715375827329860> is initiated by user <administrator>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:58 PM Processing job <BILLSO>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:59 PM Optimizing job <BILLSO>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:37:59 PM Job <BILLSO> is started.
2732 9860 WORKFLOW 17/8/2012 3:37:59 PM Work flow <BILL_SO> is started.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:00 PM Process to execute data flow <BILL_SO> is started.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Data flow <BILL_SO> is started.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Cache statistics determined that data flow <BILL_SO> uses <0> caches with a total size of <0> bytes, which is less than (or
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM equal to) the virtual memory <3757047808> bytes available for caches. Data flow will use IN MEMORY cache type.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Data flow <BILL_SO> using IN MEMORY Cache.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Data flow <BILL_SO> is terminated due to error <70404>.
8172 8508 DATAFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Process to execute data flow <BILL_SO> is completed.
2732 9860 WORKFLOW 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Work flow <BILL_SO> is terminated due to an error <70404>.
2732 9860 JOB 17/8/2012 3:38:02 PM Job <BILLSO> is terminated due to error <70404>.