I'm trying to call a external Python script in a User Defined Transform with following code:
import imp
google_analytics = imp.load_source('google_analytics',
This code return error:
23932 3892311808 DQX-058306 15/09/2015 18:30:37 File
"/leroy/scripts/python/google_analytics/GoogleAnalytics.py", line 9, in
23932 3892311808 DQX-058306 15/09/2015 18:30:37 from
apiclient.discovery import build
23932 3892311808 DQX-058306 15/09/2015 18:30:37
ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery.
Executing the script /leroy/scripts/python/google_analytics/GoogleAnalytics.py on Linux works fine.
I believe that is because DataServices has a Python installation and we have another Python in Linux.
How to deal with packages dependencies that are installed only at Linux's Python?
Thank you!