Hi all,
i have a dataflow in a BODS job which loads staging data to target table.
this passed the testing in QTY but is failing only in prod with below error message:
i also checked with my DBA team and they confirmed that the connection to oracle-prod host is working fine, also that other BODS jobs loadign to this same oracle target is working fine.
error message:
SQL submitted to Oracle Server <(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <oracle-host>)(PORT
= XXXX)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=ORACLE_PRD)))> resulted in error <ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 20463
Session ID: 1018 Serial number: 38029
"KEY6", "KEY6_VALUE", "KEY7", "KEY7_VALUE", "KEY8", "KEY8_VALUE", "KEY9", "KEY9_VALUE", "KEY10", "KEY10_VALUE"
1)But when i copy the select query from here and execute from the oracle-sql-developer, it doesnt fail [output is no rows]
2)another observation is that the target table is loaded with all the records but the logs on job monitor tab seems to be stuck in "proceed" state after loading all the records.
3)also i am not able to find out from where is this select query fired?
all i have in the data flow which needs to execute after loading is an audit query which would count the source and target and validation failed records count and update to a custom statistics table. Below is how the dataflow looks:
can anyone suggest on the possible reason for error here?