I am testing out Auditing for the record count of a flat file.
My goal is to raise an error if the record count exceeds a certain threshold.
I have set it up this way:
Select the flat file object in the Data Flow
Click Tools -> Audit... from the menu
Right click on the flat file and select count
This results in "Count" under the Audit Function Column and the count variable ($Count_HR_IOR_I001_FILEMERGE in my case) under the Audit Label column
Next -
Click the Rule tab
Click Add.
For this basic test I just wanted to test against a constant - say 100,000 records for the threshold. The actual file I will be using has only 8847
I enter this as a custom rule: > 100000
I also click the script box and have it print out the variable: print ($Count_HR_IOR_I001_FILEMERGE || ' >= 100000); Again, this is just a test. Going forward I might try using a variable for the 100,000 which I would set ahead of this step
I click on the validation and it reports no errors.
However when I run this I get an unexpected result because this audit validation fails
In the job log I see this which I believe to be the "script" I entered for the audit. If so, 8847 is the correct count, but it is not >= 100000
Furthermore, when I look the error detail part of the log (stop sign) I see this which again is telling me that the count exceeds 100000, which it does not
From what I see, I believe I have this audit set up correctly, but I am wondering what I am missing as far as how to properly use this feature.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Jeff Henke