We're working on upgrading our DS system. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to copy and upgrade my repository (Local).
I've tried following the instructions in Scenario 3 from this http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/EIM/Best+Practices+for+upgrading+older+Data+Integrator+or+Data+Services+repositories+to+Data+Services+4.2 document, which matches our situation, but am running into trouble on step 3 of that scenario.
When I try to use my old/current Designer to access the old version repository I created on the new server, I get the following error:
Access denied: failed to verify repository identification. Contact your repository administrator or try another repository.
When I go to the new server and use the IPCMC to look at the repository, it shows it as inactive, and when I try to connect to it, I get a version error.
Anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?