I've written a very quick and dirty custom function to clean up some bad data.
When I validate the script, it's fine. The mapping with the calls to the script are fine (no red X on the arrow) . But when I validate everything together, I get an error.
I can't cut and paste, but to summarize, the error is:
Invalid mapping expression for column.
Syntax error at line <1>: <>; near <;> found <SUBVARIABLE>> 1 error, 0 warnings, check and fix syntax and retry
My script is called CF_SIMPLE_MATCH_CLEAN and it has 2 declared parameters, and 2 declared variables
$L_FLAG = match_simple($P_FIELD_VALUEs,$P_REM_STRING);
return $L_NEW_STRING;
The call in the transform is this:
If I expand it all out to one command in the transform like this, it works fine. So the problem must be somewhere in the variable substitution.
ifthenelse(match_simple(MYFIELD, '{a;b}')=1, NULL, MYFIELD);
I'm guessing it has something to do with the {} in the command, as I know those are used to indicate a variable should be put in quotes. But I've had issues with the {} and the [] brackets not working consistently before.
Anyone have any ideas what I need to do to get this running?
Thanks, and apologies for any typos, I can't cut and paste. If you see a missing ; or () or anything like that it's probably a typo.