I am puzzled with the errors I get when I want to create a Web Service datastore.
Scenario: I have created a SAP Web Service from CRM using SOAMANAGER. The WSDL URL produced by SOAMANAGER is accessibile when pasting the URL directly in Internet Explorer. WSDL URL [http://UXCIQ0M.WDF.SAP.CORP:50076/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/srvc_CBDCB34C89C29304E10000000A4282C0/wsdl11/allinone/ws_policy/document?sap-client=504]
When using the WSDL URL in the Web Service datastore URL field, I get the error An error occurred while importing metadata: WSDLException; faultcode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing: The element type "br" must be terminated by matching tag "/br". (BODI-1111469) (BODI-1112446)
When I save the WSDL defintion in a local file and use a local file path, I get the errors An error occurred while importing metadata: WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portype/wsp:Policy): faultcode=INVALID_WSDL: Encountered unexpected element 'Policy. (BODI-1111469) (BODI-1112446)
My questions:
- Why do I get different parsing errors despite the fact that the XML is the same?
- The WSDL is generated by SOAMANAGER. Shouldn't it work directly when integrating with Web Services generated from an SAP environment?
- Is this related to confiurgation issue? I have set the Job Manager to Support adapter, message broker and SNMP communication
- What is the difference between the datastore of type Adapter and the datastore Web Service? In the white paper [http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/20bd5e60-11f9-2b10-2bbb-b5109cceff08?quicklink=index&overridelayout=true] it is mentioned to use the Adapter type to consume a Web Service. It is not clear to me why we have those 2 types.
Thanks & Best Regards