Hi everyone, I have been through a silly but still annoying problem in Data Services regarding variables.
I looked up a lot of place and I didnt find a answer for it.
I have a simple question and I already read sap material (sap bo data services book reference book).
Let put my example and also my understanding.
I created a global variable as varchar and I fixed a value which is a string without any special data services character.
I want to compare this value on query transformation against a column which also is a string
if I just used $g_my_variable against the column and validate. it's work fine. however when I run the job. I got a error.
According to the book ds_reference:
The square brackets ([]) indicate that the value of the expression should be substituted.
The curly braces ({}) indicate that the value of the expression should be quoted with single quotation
So according to this book I have to use curly braces. So I did it. when I validate. I got a error. According to sap material this is gonna to happen.
Strings including curly braces or square brackets cause a processing error. You can avoid the error by
preceding the braces or brackets with a backslash (\).
I have done it, but I still got the same error.
In this specific case my workaround was to include in my fixed value a quote. however I dont think it is the right way of doing things.
And I also saw many problem like this one. So I think someone should clarify this topic, but I think it is a bug software problem.
Thanks in advanced