I am getting following error while executing one of the real-time jobs (Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys) which has a global address cleansing transform
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058306 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | |Session Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Data flow DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Transform Global_AddressCleanse |
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058306 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | Transform <Global_AddressCleanse>: <GAC0000>: [Required directory of type GA_DIR_TYPE_DICTIONARY for group DEFAULT_ALL is |
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058306 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | missing.]. |
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | |Session Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Data flow DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Transform Global_AddressCleanse |
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | Transform <Global_AddressCleanse>: DLL <libgactransformu.so> runtime function <PerThreadInit> failed with error <4>. More |
21187 | 1215084864 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:42 AM | detailed information may be obtained from previous errors. |
21187 | 3934871744 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:52 AM | |Session Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Data flow DF_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys|Transform Global_AddressCleanse |
21187 | 3934871744 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:52 AM | Transform <Global_AddressCleanse>: DLL <libgactransformu.so> runtime function <PerThreadInit> failed with error <4>. More |
21187 | 3934871744 | DQX-058302 | 8/7/2013 11:20:52 AM | detailed information may be obtained from previous errors. |
BODS version 4.1.1
Configuring DQM for SAP CRM
If anyone can point me to right direction that would be great!
I searched the forum and Google but of no help.
All address directories are in place & verified. Earlier all jobs were working but after address directories refreshed (for US/Global/JP/FR) last week then we started receiving this error.
Other real-time jobs with global address cleansing transform also giving same error.
I am trying to log this with SAP but it will take time.
Thank you