Dear Friends,
I am working on HCM to SuccessFactor data migration using RDS. Most of the extract jobs using ABAP data flow for extracting data from HCM system. While executing the job, facing following challenges. Could you please me to resolve?
We have installed SAP BODS 4.2 SP6 for data migration.
1. ABAP file not creating. Job errored out as follows: Same program generating ABAP file in different SAP BODS server (Test Instance). Do we need to install any specific component for make it working?
PM | Error opening file <D:/MOHAN/BODS_ABAP/ZPA0000.abp |
2. Unable to read file generated by ABAP. In test Instance ABAP file generated and output file stored in given SAP directory. While reading output file from SAP Directory, BODS throwing Error "Check the Permission" . I would like to understand what kind of access to be setup between SAP HCM and BODS system.