Hi all
I am wondering why the column of type VARCHAR(Max) is displayed as VARCHAR(0) in DS?
In the target table we have a column with type VARCHAR(Max), I know that we should use data type LONG in the query objects of the Job, but don't know why the target column in DS is displayed as type VARCHAR(0)??
It causes a problem for me, because when I use Varchar_To_Long function to load the data into this column, job failes with this error:
Target Table:D_xxx(xxxx.DBO)
Cannot convert the type from <long> (source column:IG) to <varchar(0)> (target column:IG). (BODI-1111035)
Have you ever need to load data into a VARHCAR(Max) using Data Services?
Edited by: Tootia on Jun 15, 2011 4:48 AM