Hi Folks,
I faced a weird situation in our BODS job, while it was just a simple mapping with select distinct checked.
Error faced during job execution:
Our Scenario is like:
Hana table as source --> Query(with select distinct checked) -->Table comparison-->Map_Operation-->Hana table as target
I couldn't understand where to check for this syntax error. Later I got to look the optimized SQL for this dataflow, this queries were present there.
After comparing this dataflow's optimized sql to another dataflow's optimized sql came to a conclusion that we cannot use a HANA table directly as source to queries having joins, select distinct .
I changed the dataflow to below scenario:
HANA table as source --> Query(direct mapping) --> Query(with select distinct checked) --> Table comparison --> Map_Operation --> Hana table as target.
Error is resolved.
I was surprised to know this, Please correct me/ enlighten me what was happening earlier that threw error. Why is the query resolved by simply adding a query in between.
This might be a silly question, but I really want to know what is happening while BODS executes a job. Please share your thoughts.