[First of all, sorry for my English]
It is interesting to have some control in our jobs, to be able to detect problems in our ETLs processes, as soon as possible.
Data Services Designer have the possibility to Audit the queries. To activate this, inside the Work Flow, in the DF (Data Flow), go to menu, TOOLS --> Audit
In the first tab, LABEL, select the query and right click, and select COUNT to activate audit on it.
In the second tab you can define the validation to audit:
First, create a new rule. This rule could be "count = 0" or perhaps "count < 1000", if you know that in your source input you have always more than 1000 rows.
Second, the action. You can define three actions:
* Raise an exception
* Send an E-mail to someone or some list
* Script
The script could be some kind of insert in AUDIT_TABLE yo have a log of all executions.
I hope you can easy use this functionality.
Comments are wellcome. Thanks.