Hi experts,
I got an error when doing delta load for data source 2LIS_11_VAHDR. The errors as below
Cannot convert string < > to date using format string <yyyymmdd>.
(14.2) 06-08-16 08:00:13 (W) (7404:12188) RUN-053001: |Data flow DF_ECC_SALES_ORDER_HEADER_STAGE|Reader Query
Invalid value <Month: 255> for date <USD >. Context: Column <>.
(14.2) 06-08-16 08:00:19 (E) (17292:13120) RUN-050406: |Session JB_ECC_SALES_ORDER_HEADER|Work flow WF_ECC_SALES_ORDER_HEADER|Data flow DF_ECC_SALES_ORDER_HEADER_STAGE
Data flow <DF_ECC_SALES_ORDER_HEADER_STAGE> received a bad system message. Message text from the child process is
< ==========================================================
Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
the job failed.
5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.
What's cause this issue?
And, how to reload for the Delta ? ( I re-ran the delta load after this failure and found 0 records process)
Thanks a lot!