I am looking for the data migration templates for migration to ERP/CRM.
My requirement is slightly different- I am currently not migrating to ERP or CRM but I know these templates are extremely useful as examples for other data migration as well.
I attended a training course about data migration with Data Services several years ago when this solution was just being offered.
The templates for data mapping (Excel files) and the pre-configured Data Services jobs were very complete, robust and easy to use.
At the time, these templates could all be downloaded on SCN.
It looks like this solution is now offered as the Best Practice / Rapid Deployment Solution for Data Migration for ERP/CRM.
The content is available for download, and I have just downloaded a 25Mb documentation file.
This file does not contain the actual configuration files (atl files) or Excel mapping spreadsheets. The complete solution can also be downloaded, but the combined size of the three files is nearly 3GB.
My question is what is the easiest way to get the atl files, Excel mapping templates (and perhaps some documentation about the atl files). Do I really have to install the complete RDS solution or is there a shortcut?