Hi Experts,
We are in the process of installing DQM for SAP RFC Server SP07 for the first time in the Linux environment. We have installed Data services, DQM, DS components prior to this .
As mentioned in the installation document the batch files to start RFC server should be start_<SAPID>_FLRFCSRV_trans and start_<SAPID>_FLRFCBTC_batch. But instead we are finding start_<SAPID>_trans and start_<SAPID>_batch in the installation directory. Once we execute these batch file RFC server is failing with message 'RFC server shutdown as per user request'.
Also we didn't get a prompt to enter program id's FLRFCBTC and FLRFCSRV during installation in linux environment.
User authorizations has been granted to SAP user for the installation.
Our Configuration
DataServices 4.2 Setup in Linux environment
DQM SP07 installed (DS Component SP07, RFC Server SP07 and BADI component SP07).
Database is Oracle.
Real Time jobs configured as services.
Web services setup.
Access server details and WSDL url entered during installation
All other SAP side configurations done.
Created TCP/IP connections for FLRFCBTC and FLRFCSRV.
Please help us to understand what might be causing RFC server to shutdown.