I have a requirement to extract data from a SAP table. Some of the fields in that table has datatype STRING. When try to extract data using normal dataflow from that table I am getting following error
Error calling RFC function to get table data: <RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE-(Exception_Key: DATA_LENGTH_0)- Invalid partial field access: Length 0>.
Then I created a ABAP dataflow and ran the job, I got the follwoing error.
Execute ABAP program <xxxxx> error < ABAP SYNTAX ERROR "xxxxxx" must be a flat structure. You cannot use internal>.
I tried to correct the sysntax errors in the generated program and ran the job, but program terminated with follwing error.
RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/JOB_RUN: RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE, Processing terminated)- Processing terminated[SAP NWRFC720][SAP Partner 731 ][4102]>.
Please advice in extracting STRING fields from SAP system using Data Services 4.1.