My Issue :-
--> I got this error when one of my job ( Oracle Source --> Query --> Oracle Target ) running in prodution
- --> I thought to see the data which is causing this error but after 10 minutes , source is refreshed with new data ,
I did not get a chance to see the data . Issue resolved at present.
--> But in future , if same issue comes then i dont have a readymate solution. I wants to give perminent solution.
Already existing posts on this error , but not usefull to me to solve my problem:
-- My Analysis :
--> BODS is generating Statement : INSERT with BIND Variables to insert data in toa target.
è --> When bind variables are used , due to null terminator missing, oracle cannot accept the data from BODS
--> In source is more size and in target it is less side columns are there in my job.
Just like : source : Decimal(48,8) , in target Decimal(28,8) , but when i test with big values ,
oracle was throwing Value too large , not null terminator.
Help Required :-
--> Please help me to understand this issue more , which special charectors cause this null termination issue
--> Not only big values are causinng this issue , some special , junk charectors are causing this issue.
---> Please let me know what kind of charectors can cuase this issue,
Trace Log :-
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:08:03 (2364:0608) DATAFLOW: Data flow <DF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT> using IN MEMORY Cache.
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:24:25 (2364:0608) DATAFLOW: Data flow <DF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT> is terminated due to error <70301>.
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:24:25 (2364:0608) DATAFLOW: Process to execute data flow <DF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT> is completed.
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:24:25 (3088:2328) WORKFLOW: Work flow <WF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT> is terminated due to an error <70301>.
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:24:25 (3088:2328) PRINTFN: in CATCH block
Error Log :-
(12.2) 11-24-13 20:24:15 (E) (2364:3732) DBS-070301: |Data flow DF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT| Loader Query_1_STG_X_DAILY
Oracle <DDMP> error message for operation <OCIStmtExecute>: <ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value>.
11-24-13 20:24:15 (E) (2364:3732) RUN-051005: |Data flow DF_STG_X_DAILY_INCREMENT|Loader Query_1_STG_X_DAILY
Execution of <Regular Load Operations> for target <STG_X_DAILY> failed. Possible causes:
(1) Error in the SQL syntax;
(2) Database connection is broken;
(3) Database related errors such as transaction log is full, etc.;
(4) The user defined in
the datastore has insufficient privileges to execute the SQL. If the error is for preload or postload operation, or if it is
for regular load operation and load triggers are defined, check the SQL. Otherwise, for (3) and (4), contact your local DBA.
sd .