This is relevant if you are looking for adding Local repo with SAP Data Services Job server on Linux Box.
Below Commands and steps are performed on SAP Data Services 4.1.
Login Via Putty,
Input :- Provide hostname and Hit Enter. Provide your credential so that you can access Linux.
Once you are logged in. navigate as instructed in following steps.
Go to Installation directory of Data Services on Linux box. Generally referred as %LINK_DIR% in all SAP documents
IF you logged in with named user, then check where you are, user PWD command on linux prompt once you successfully login to server.
$ cd $LINK_DIR/bin/
%LINK_DIR% = /usr/sap/<SID>/businessobjects/dataservices
$ cd /usr/sap/FDM/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
$. ./
$ ./svrcfg
Unable to load DLL or shared library <>. Please make sure the library is installed and located correctly.
If you see the above error then you do not have permission to perfrom the Operation. There are two otions as going forward. Either you request for permissions or you get the user which has the permission.So switch user will help you to do that. However, getting sudo access is the recommended way.
Generally SAPDS<SID> is the OS user have the permissions.
So I switiched the User and performed the same tasks. please see the scremm
-bash-4.1$ cd /usr/sap/FDM/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
-bash-4.1$ . ./
-bash-4.1$ ./svrcfg** Data Services Server Manager Utility **
1 : Control Job Service
2 : Configure Job Server
3 : Configure Runtime Resources
4 : Configure Access Server
5 : Configure SNMP Agent
6 : Configure SMTP
7 : Configure SSL
8 : Configure Native Component Supportability
x : Exit
Enter Option:
We have chosen Option 2, because we would lilke to register some of our repositories with Job Server.
If you have more than one Job Server then select accordingly. In this case it has only One Job server
Enter Option: 2
_____________________________________________________________________Current Job Server Information
_____________________________________________________________________S# Job Server Name TCP Enable Repository Information
-- --------------- ----- -------- ----------------------------1 JS_FDM_001 3500 N ds_sh_lr@hlx.unix.com_RP_FDM_ds_sh_lr
c : Create a new JOB SERVER entry a : Add a REPO to job server
e : Edit a JOB SERVER entry y : Resync a REPO
d : Delete a JOB SERVER entry r : Remove a REPO from job server
u : Update REPO Password s : Set default REPO
q : QuitEnter Option:
I have chosen Option "a", as we like to register our Repo with Job Server.
You need to provide the relevant information about the Local Repo you like to register it with Data services Job Server.
Enter Option: a
Enter serial number of Job Server: 1
1) Oracle
2) MySQL
3) DB2
4) Sybase ASE
Enter the database type (1,2,3,4 or 5) for the associated repository: 3Do you want to use data source (ODBC) 'Y|N'? [Y]: N
Enter the repository database server name:
Enter the repository database port number: 50000
Enter the repository database name: RP_FDM
1: DB2 UDB 9.x
Select the repository database version '1' [1]: 1Enter the repository username: ds_s2_l5
Enter the repository password (not echoed):
Confirm the repository password (not echoed):Passwords do not match!!! Please enter them again.
Enter the repository password (not echoed):
Confirm the repository password (not echoed):S# Job Server Name TCP Enable Repository Information
-- --------------- ----- -------- ----------------------------1 JS_FDM_001 3500 N ds_s2_l5@hlx.com_RP_FDM_ds_s2_l5
Is this information correct [Y/N]?
Once you are happy with the information you provided you can confirm it.
Is this information correct [Y/N]? Y
Updating the repository <ds_s2_l5@hlxd0bf004.unix.marksandspencerdev.com_RP_FDM_ds_s2_l5>. Please wait...
Continue to Add/Modify/Delete Job Servers[Y/N]:
If you have more repositories to configure or add it with Job server then you may select "Y". As I like to to add more repo to Job Server.
If you are done you can happily select "N". And Job Done Go to Last Step.
Here in screen Below you can check and confirm that the repository you wew upto is now registered with the selected Job server.
Continue to Add/Modify/Delete Job Servers[Y/N]: Y
_____________________________________________________________________Current Job Server Information
_____________________________________________________________________S# Job Server Name TCP Enable Repository Information
-- --------------- ----- -------- ----------------------------1 JS_FDM_001 3500 N ds_sh_lr@hlx.unix.com_RP_FDM_ds_sh_lr
c : Create a new JOB SERVER entry a : Add a REPO to job server
e : Edit a JOB SERVER entry y : Resync a REPO
d : Delete a JOB SERVER entry r : Remove a REPO from job server
u : Update REPO Password s : Set default REPO
q : QuitEnter Option:
Now can repeat the steps if you like to add more Local repositories with Job Server.
Last step:-
Once you are done with the all the steps that you have performed above it will ask you the same details, if you say yes "N" then it will bring up the main menu where you can select Exit option. If all you want from Job Server is done.
Continue to Add/Modify/Delete Job Servers[Y/N]: N
** Data Services Server Manager Utility **
1 : Control Job Service
2 : Configure Job Server
3 : Configure Runtime Resources
4 : Configure Access Server
5 : Configure SNMP Agent
6 : Configure SMTP
7 : Configure SSL
8 : Configure Native Component Supportability
x : Exit
Enter Option: x
************************************************************************END of the Article*********************************************************************************
1. If you are intersted to perform some other server Management (Data Services Application, Job Server) then you may see this article