1. IPS (Information Platform Services)
There are multiple ways to check the version of software and its components. Each option is different and provides information at different level.
Intension of this article is to focus on the Linux commands, however, wherever its possible alternate options will be discussed.
1. IPS (Information Platform Services)
Option :1 Using Commands
Input at prompt :- Pls change the RED part or provide your path of installation if it is different for you.
$ strings boe_cmsd | grepBOBJVERSION
Once you are able to execute the above command you will be able to see the output as below. make sure you have proper authorizations to execute that command.
14.0 is the major release which is equivalent to XI 4.0.
2. Data Services Job Server
Option :1 Using Commands
Input at the Prompt:-
cd $LINK_DIR/bin
Alternatively you can provide
Pls change the RED part or provide your path of installation if it is different for you.
$ cd /usr/sap/<SID>/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
$ al_Jobserver.sh -v
3. Data Services Engine
Option :1 Using Commands
Input at the Prompt:-
cd $LINK_DIR/bin
Alternatively you can provide
Pls change the RED part or provide your path of installation if it is different for you.
$ cd /usr/sap/<SID>/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
Execute the following command to get the Data services Engine Version
$ al_engine.sh -v
SAP BusinessObjects Data Services Engine Version
14.1 s the major release which is equivalent to XI 4.1
third part of the version denotes the Support pack which is SP02in this case
last part of the version depicts the Feature Pack level information which is FP378 this case.
Option :2 Using Local Repository via Data Services Designer
(Designer >> Menu >> About Data Services )
4. Data Services Server Manager
Option :1 Using Commands
Input at the Prompt:-
cd $LINK_DIR/bin
Alternatively you can provide
Pls change the RED part or provide your path of installation if it is different for you.
$ cd /usr/sap/<SID>/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
Execute the following command to get the Data services Engine Version
$ svrcfg -v
SAP BusinessObjects Data Services Server Manager Version
14.1 s the major release which is equivalent to XI 4.1
third part of the version denotes the Support pack which is SP02in this case
last part of the version depicts the Feature Pack level information which is FP378 this case
5. Data Services Local repository
Input at the Prompt:-
cd $LINK_DIR/bin
Alternatively you can provide
Pls change the RED part or provide your path of installation if it is different for you.
$ cd /usr/sap/<SID>/businessobjects/dataservices/bin
Option :2 Using Local Repository via Data Services Designer
(Designer >> Menu >> About Data Services )
6. Data Services Designer
Option :1 Using Logon pad
Option :2 Using Help (Designer >> Menu >> About Data Services )