Scheduling jobs as per your requirement is quite important and difficult task in BODS.
However, now you can do this task, as per your preference.
You can create a schedule of jobs, which will execute jobs one after another, i.e. event based sequential scheduler in BODS
Step 1 –
You need 'Execution command file' for all the jobs, you want to schedule. If your are aware of how to create same, you can go to step 2 directly.
a) Others, Follow the steps as per below document, to get a batch file for each BODS Job-
- You will get one job_name.bat file(for windows).
- You can execute this file directly from command prompt.
- Execute and check it’s running as expected, in command prompt.
- If not, then cut/paste this batch file to other location & try running.
Eg. Type E:\SAP\JOB_NAME.BAT & press enter.
Step 2 –
Once file is executed on command prompt, we can create our own scheduler in bods designer.
1. Create a new job & new script.
2. Type in script –
Exec('cmd.exe’, 'E:\SAP\JOB_1.BAT, 8) ;
Exec('cmd.exe’, 'Batch_file_Path\JOB_2.BAT, 8) ;
Exec('cmd.exe’, 'Batch_file_Path\\JOB_3.BAT, 8) ;
& So on…………..
3. Save script/job.
Your custom scheduler for many jobs is ready.
This will execute your jobs as per sequence you decide.
You can extend this technique to execute many jobs parallely by adding many scripts/workflow combination.
If you know python/MS DOS batch commands/shell scripts, you can do multiple tasks with this scheduling technique.