Help me please.
I have a some job, it's job need to load data from model to model (BPC10 BW) .
We a running this job via FIM10, but job don't work, Error log:
(14.0) 05-17-13 11:05:14 (E) (9420:16104) SYS-050604: |Session PR_MMR_1|Data flow DF_EXPORT_PR_MMR_1
Cannot write pipe, due to error <The pipe has been ended. >.
I find the note with same problem and solution but this note for DS. But I never used DS, I only used FIM, and I don't know how to use DS. And I know that FIM use DS, and I open DS Desighner and find our several DataFlows of our job, but I can't find/make this action of note "Include the Input primary key column in the Table Comparison transform" (it's from note 1631163).
If it is not difficult for you can you help? Where is it option?