I find couple of cool options in BODS and used to apply in almost all the projects I have been doing. You may also give a try if not done yet. Hope you would like these. You can see all these options in designer.
Monitor Sample Rate:
Right Click the Job > Click on Properties> Then click on Execution Options
You can change this value of monitor sample rate here and every time when you execute the Job it shall take the latest value set.
Setting this value to a higher number has performance improvement as well as every time you need not to enter this value while executing the Job. The frequency that the Monitor log refreshes the statistics is based on this Monitor sample rate. With a higher Monitor sample rate, Data Services collects more data before calling the operating system to open the file, and performance improves. Increase Monitor sample rate to reduce the number of calls to the operating system to write to the log file. Default value is set to 5. Maximum value you can set is 64000.
Refer the below screen shot for reference.
Click on the Designer Menu Bar and select Tool > Options (see the diagram below). There are couple of cool options available here which can be used in your project. Note that if you change any option from here,it shall apply to whole environment.
Once selected Go to:
Designer >General > View data sampling size (rows)
Refer the below screen shot. You can increase this value to a higher number if you want to see more no. of records while viewing the data in BODS. Sample size can be controlled from here.
Designer >General > Perform complete validation before Job execution
Refer the below screen shot. I prefer this to set from here as I need not to worry about validating the Job manually before executing any Job. If you are testing the Job and there is chance of some syntax errors then I would recommend this to set before hand. This will save some time. Check this option if you want to enable.
Designer >General > Show dialog when job is completed
Refer the screen shot below. This is also one of the cool option available in designer. This option facilitate the program to open a dialog box when Job completes. This way you need not to see the monitor log manually for each Job when it completes. I love this option.
Designer >Graphics>
Refer the screen shot below. Using this option you change the line type as per your likes. I personally like Horizontal/Vertical as all transforms looks more clean inside the dataflow. You can also change the color scheme, background etc.
Designer > Fonts
See the dialog box below. Using this option, you can change the Font Size.
Do feel free to add to this list if you have come across more cool stuffs in BODS.