I'm creating a job in DS, where is returning the following error in my log:
"|Data flow DF_D_NF_ITEM|Loader D_NF_ITEM_D_NF_ITEM
ODBC data source <SBOPBI40> error message for operation <SQLExecute>: <[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'MANDT', table 'DS40_Tutorial_Target.dbo.D_NF_ITEM'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.>."
Ok, this error is expected in my job... what I want is to load this error message on a table.
I already tried with the methods error_message(), error_context() and error_number() but returns other kinds of messages, not this one.
Do you know how can I extract from my job this error message to load on a table?