Here's a question for SAP: which version of Python will be shipped with DS 4.2 when it goes GA? (Assuming this to be the SP1 version?)
DS 4.1 SP2 currently comes with Python 2.6.2. which dates back from 2009 and is ancient compared to current versions of Python.
We use Python-based User Defined Transforms (UDTs) for things like querying JSON web services and performing Twitter searches.
My main problem with Python 2.6.2 is that network tunnelling is broken, which is required for obvious network security reasons.
It simply does not work - meaning that our UDTs will not work unless we expose our Job Server immediately to the internet.
This problem was resolved in Python 2.7.x . We have tried upgrading the Python component on our Data Services 4.1 SP2 test system but this seemed to have broken the UDT functionality and would obviously not be a supported solution anyway.
Can we please get some insight into the Python version in DS 4.2 please?